How to effectively network in Investor Relations

Networking is a crucial aspect of a thriving business. Particularly true in investor relations (IR), knowing how to cultivate these relationships is the key to maximizing your success. Nurturing connections within the industry portrays a professionalism that radiates throughout your inner circles. Networking isn’t merely about climbing the ladder and ensuring that you have the right people in your corner. It is about knowledge sharing, connecting over lived experiences, and collaborating to uplift each other along the way. It may lead to opportunities you couldn’t even imagine, and when done strategically, can often lead to investment and overall business growth.

When networking with investors and important industry contacts, here’s what to keep in mind to build relationships effectively:

Be prepared to shake hands

The first step to networking is getting over the fear of the initial introduction. Make sure that you are always prepared to introduce yourself and your business. This is great to have ready before a networking event, and even better to have in your back pocket for when you inevitably run into someone unexpectedly. Ensure that you have a compelling and concise “pitch” prepared to get the conversation started.

Make a strong first impression

As much as we can all agree that it’s what’s under the surface that truly counts, first impressions can make or break an interaction. It is important to dress appropriately and in alignment with the event you are attending. Be respectful and mindful of people’s time and be receptive to feedback and/or opportunities to help others, even if they can’t help you.

Be authentic and genuine

Approach your networking interactions with the right intentions, and you will end up leaving the right impression. The best way to make a long-lasting impression is through authenticity. Be a good listener, ask thoughtful questions, and approach the conversation with the intent to add value and build connections.

Keep an eye out for opportunities

There are plentiful opportunities to flex your networking muscles, and sometimes you have to go out of your way to find them. Stay on top of events and networking opportunities related to your industry and put in the effort to attend. Repeat events like monthly industry parties or annual conferences can be a great opportunity to nurture relationships and have your name and business top of mind for other industry leaders because of repetition and consistent commitment.


Don’t let your colleagues waste their business cards. Following-up with new contacts through email or social media shows a great manner of professionalism and integrity. Building your LinkedIn network is crucial to sharing your story and growing your business, so utilize networking opportunities to stay connected to like-minded people. You want them to remember you once you leave the room, and a digital connection is the easiest way to do it.

Get your name out there

Bring your business cards with you and give them out as much as possible. This will encourage others to connect with you, much like the above point, and open the door for further conversation. This should also encourage others to give you their business card, so even if they don’t follow up with you, you can take initiative to do so.

Stay up-to-date

Nobody wants to have 100 conversations about the weather. Starting conversations can be hard, and choosing small talk to get the ball rolling is integral to how the rest of the conversation will flow. Staying up to date on events and trends in your industry will give you topical discussions to spark. Not only is it good to have a well-informed icebreaker while meeting new people, but it will also dictate the direction of conversation and allow you to learn from others about industry matters.

Networking doesn’t just happen in the moments of industry parties or company growth opportunities, but also in conversations with neighbours, moments shared with family, and everything in between. You never know who can help you build your business, or when you might have the opportunity to connect, but you’ll know why it’s important to prepare once you start seeing it pay off in your business growth. Want some helpful insights? Check out our blog on the Value of Networking and pay attention to the way in which the smallest connections are taking you one step further, one handshake and friendly smile at a time.



Investor relations: building strong relationships with analysts and media


The importance of networking in Investor Relations