We hope your 2023 is off to a successful start!

We are excited to share some of our IR strategies that will increase your chances of winning in 2023.

Investor buying behaviour has changed. Companies need to allow investors to find them, not the other way around.

The infamous quote, “Build it, and they will come,” stands true, but the keyword is BUILD. You need the team to play; the fans need to be served; the cheerleaders need to hype the crowd; fan loyalty must be nurtured; you need to get creative, and the team needs to perform to keep the fans coming back more. Replace “fans” with “investors,” and you get our point. As a starting point...

Speak directly to your investors.

Understand what’s important to them and clearly articulate your value proposition and pathway to growth. Investors want to know how you’re different and how they will make money. Also, make it easy for your investors or interested investors to book a meeting with you or your team.

The best way to do this is through an automated link in your email signature or an investor lead-capturing tool directly on your homepage or investor section of your website. An impactful resource to accomplish this is a chat pop-up window that allows investors to book meetings with your company and request investor marketing materials and information. The best part of capturing these types of investor leads is that you can nurture them to become loyal investors, believers in your story, and conduits of your stock to the investor community.

Let irlabs guide you on how to accomplish these goals and best practices, and learn which tools would best suit your current situation by scheduling a meeting with our growth team here: Book an investor lead capturing meeting with irlabs.

Don’t waste time and money.

Have a clearly defined investor relations strategy that will help reduce or eliminate “marketing” waste. Find the channels that are most relevant to your investors. BNN Bloomberg, social media influencers, top tier earned media coverage, investor conferences and events, investor presentations and webinars. Would you waste your time and money presenting to an audience of institutional investors when you’re a microcap that 99.999% of fund managers cannot invest in based on their pre-set criteria? The million-dollar question, right? Pick and choose your spots accordingly.

Did you know that the biggest start-ups allocate 11% of gross revenue to inbound marketing in order to sustain their current growth? When this budget is increased, companies typically realize significant growth.

Lead-gen through downloadable content.

Make your website a hub for investors with value-added content that will help them decide to invest in your company. A whitepaper or e-book requiring contact details to download is a great way to capture investor leads. At irlabs, we use the Lab Notes section on our website to provide value-added content and capture prospects' information.

Customer service goes a long way.

Take advantage of the relationships you’ve built by creating more personable relationships with your investors. This will increase their willingness to invest more because of the relationships you’ve developed and nurtured early on. An automated strategy will save you time and money and done by automating email and task reminder follow-ups through a Sequence or Workflow done through your CRM (Client Relationship Management). If you don't use one, don't worry, we can suggest cost-effective CRM tools and train you on how to do this efficiently. Book a time with our Growth Team to quickly learn how to implement and execute these critical strategies here.

For more ideas on how to win in 2023, book a time with our Growth Team and don’t let 2023 be a stagnant year of investor growth!

Make 2023 your year to hit it out of the park.

Matthew Whitcomb


