Our strategic partnership with Quantum Media Group

Investor relations is all about the art of connecting. In today’s competitive environment for capital, gaining analyst coverage and visibility can be a significant challenge for companies, especially for small cap companies. Recognizing the need to help our clients standout, irlabs has partnered with Quantum Media Group, LLC for a strategic expansion of media coverage and US relationships. This partnership aims to enhance brand equity, increase global visibility, and tap into Quantum’s extensive media and investor distribution channels.

Through this strategic partnership, irlabs gains access to Quantum Media Group’s expansive network of media and investor channels. This means the ability to not only cast a wider net, but also tap into established relationships within the US market, broadening irlabs’ network. Quantum Media Group is established with public relations and investor relations expertise. Known for their proficiency in public relations and media, their tailored media and strategic communications approach elevates the public profile of irlabs and our clients, heightening industry recognition across the board through their proven track record of success.

In conjunction with irlabs’ dynamic team, this partnership will enable business success in new and exciting ways. The key takeaways of this partnership include global expansion, knowledge and network sharing, and a deep dive into the value of paid research coverage for clients. For new or small-cap companies, paid research coverage is crucial to establish trust in the market and gain credibility. Providing valuable insights and guidance to both analysts and bankers, it is vital for SMEs as they build out their businesses. Paid research coverage engages reputable research firms and analysts that demonstrate commitment to transparency and investor communications. It provides guidance for analysts and bankers to familiarize themselves with companies, and ultimately expands investor reach through education, awareness, and widespread distribution.

irlabs is determined to make its mark on the global stage. Actively seeking partnerships like this one will allow us to better serve our clients and facilitate global distribution and growth. This partnership with Quantum Media Group is a milestone for irlabs as we expand into US markets and continue to offer our wheelhouse of services to companies looking to make an impact. Public relations, communications, and media strategy is an integral aspect of any business, and when done right, can be your ticket to opportunity. 

As we celebrate this milestone, we’re providing a collaborative powerful platform for enhancing analyst coverage, boosting visibility, and broadening shareholder base. This strategic partnership exemplifies the importance of global expansion and highlights the immense value of strong relationships and targeted communications in today’s interconnected business world.

This network was built to be leveraged. Connections are all about giving and receiving, returning the favours to those who help uplift you along the way and connecting our digital world to opportunities and insights that change lives. Reach out to us at happyinvestors@irlabs.ca to get the conversation started, or go to irlabs.ca to learn more. You can also access the news release announcing the partnership here.




Celebrating 2 years of irlabs