Roadshow Reflections

With our cross-Canada roadshow, “Discover the Standouts” on the horizon, we wanted to tap into the real reasons why we put our energy into these in-person opportunities. The relevance of real-life interactions in modern investor relations was a significant motivator, but so were the singing praises of past roadshow participants and the data-backed success of what these opportunities can do for business. When you attend a roadshow, you reap the benefits of personal connections, direct communication, showcasing opportunities, market insights, enhancing valuation and fundraising and more. When you leave a roadshow event, you’re left with scalable conversations and learnings, and likely a bright spark to keep fueling your excitement for further innovation.  

“Roadshows are pivotal because they provide a direct platform to engage with the investment community, sharing the vision, innovations and growth strategies in a personal and immersive way,” said Matthew Whitcomb, Growth Lead at irlabs. “These events allow investors to truly understand the passion, drive and potential behind the brand.”

“One of my most memorable roadshow moments was when we presented in a city known for its skepticism towards new innovations. We faced a room filled with discerning eyes and folded arms. However, as we delved deeper into our presentation and shared our vision, the atmosphere shifted noticeably,” added Whitcomb. “By the end, those folded arms turned into handshakes and nods of approval. It was a profound reminder of the power of genuine engagement and the potential to change perceptions with a compelling story.”

With over 20 years of experience in corporate communications and investor relations, irlabs’ Vice President of Investor Relations, Daniela Trnka, specializes in guiding and supporting executive teams in building value through effective communications with their stakeholders. With an entrepreneurial mindset, she knows the power of roadshows quite well. “Nothing is as foundational to establishing trust with investors as looking them in the eye while explaining a company’s strategic plans, performance, or any variations from past strategic plans,” says Trnka. “Investor road shows allow for this crucial exchange of information, in-person.”

Your intentions for attending a roadshow can vary, but your experience of growth and excitement will stay the same. irlabs’ Director of Marketing and Communications, Paige Strand, looks at roadshow experiences from a different lens with marketing in mind. Her takeaways highlight the key functions of communicating your value proposition effectively at roadshow opportunities: “As a communicator, roadshows are an interesting way of connecting, with direct engagement to current and potential investors, while elevating a company’s visibility and reputation,” says Strand. “The personal interaction provides an opportunity to build relationships, answer questions and address concerns, while fostering trust and confidence. Meeting in different regions is also quite powerful and can inform future strategies and investor communications going forward.”

When you come home after a long day of work, what makes you stop and think “Hey, that was kind of fun”? Usually, it’s atmosphere and experience. It’s the people you get to talk to, and if you are really passionate about your work, it’s the forward momentum that you feel excited to keep working on. “When I attended a roadshow in New York, it was hosted on a rooftop bar,” says Susan Xu, Investor Relations Manager at irlabs. “It was an incredible setting, and it gave me an opportunity to connect with people I would have otherwise never had the chance to speak with in person. I got to refamiliarize myself with important faces, and overall had a wonderful, casual, and memorable evening.”

Roadshows are ripe with opportunities. From memory making to deal making, you’re stepping into a room where your success is going to be celebrated. We can’t stress enough the importance of these in-person connections. They show intention and investment into the work that you do and create a buzzing room full of like-minded folks who share your drive for opportunity. “Investor events are a chance for company management to meet directly with potential investors to communicate their story, establish credibility, and build rapport,” says Todd Skene (MBA), Director of Capital Markets and Strategy at irlabs. “They provide an efficient forum to meet with many potential investors at one time while management gains immediate feedback on the perspectives that investors may have and the overall interest level.”

At the end of the day, investor relations roadshows showcase their inherent value easily. The warm words and takeaways from our team members at irlabs are just some of many professional experiences that can elaborate on the value of a successful investor relations event. If you work in capital markets or the media and would like to attend one of our upcoming roadshow events, check out our News Release for more details or email us at


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