As our team prepares to head out on The Capital Markets Comeback Tour, we compiled a list of our favourite ESG songs to groove to on the tour bus. Music has always been used to understand feelings, emotions, and topics that are otherwise seldom visited. The use of lyrics in song have helped cover some pretty interesting topics and sometimes heavy ones. Across all eras of pop music, our ears have been privy to lyrics filled with conservation, angst, rebellion, protest and more. Read on for a list of our top ESG-related songs! And yes, we made it a Spotify playlist!

To start the list off right, we had to include Counting Crows’ cover of Big Yellow Taxi ft. Vanessa Carlton. This song hits home as a metaphor for watching the concrete jungle crawl and spread over what was once luscious green fields where children used to play. green fields where children used to play.

Feels Like Summer by Childish Gambino is a definite vibe. Feeling a part of the earth as it changes seasons is something we can all connect with. He describes how Mother Nature affects us and how we affect her. Childish Gambino has a way of creating so much with so little.

T-Swift takes on the perspective of women in the male dominated business world. This song hits home with us at irlabs, and our mission to get more women on boards of directors and C-suites. Not to mention that it is just a straight jam the entire time!

Gorillaz are probably one of the most complex lyricists while bringing some of the catchiest music to our ears. This song gracefully discusses watching the world corrode away as we stand by and watch.

“Cooo! Cooo!” This song is an absolute lighthearted tune capturing a super harsh reality. The way Jason Mraz can build up a concept in such a catchy way is why he has been one of the most consistent artists of our time.

Oh, The Boss is Coming! by The Arkells. “You better not be sitting! You better punch in early! You better prepared to stay late!” We are happy that this song is from 2008 and things have changed in our understanding of what a corporate structure should look like.

We had to mention Lil Dicky’s absolute sensation of 2019, because “we love the earth, it is our planet.”

“We are fighting every day to save our planet.” “Truth will become power.” This song expresses that the search for truth will bring about the power of fact, and hopefully we learn our lesson before it is too late.

Our mixtape wouldn’t be complete without the universal anthem for working women. This song unites women together under one battle cry for fair working conditions and equal pay. It’s also a total bop that makes the drive go by much faster!

To round out our list we wanted to share a little bit of a lighter song, with albeit some pretty heavy lyrics. We recommend listening to this song with the lyrics pulled up, and hopefully this song written in the late ‘60s will one day play over giant speakers as we save the village green!

Music is a lot of things to people. It can be a stress reliever, an escape, something that helps us to relax or get excited. Music is a way to express ourselves or to relate to different people. These activist songs do many of the classic things that music is known to do, but on top of all of that, they bring forward messages that express issues revolving around ESG. Some messages are hard to hear, but these tunes make them sound a lot more relatable.


