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The power of email marketing in IR

Emails have influenced the marketing world for a long time, remaining one of the most popular ways to generate leads and retain customers. An email marketing campaign is a series of emails intended to encourage engagement with current and interested customers, ultimately leading to an increase in sales.

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Tips and tricks for filming video content independently

Video has become a prominent pillar of investor relations communications, as it can live on multiple platforms and has a myriad of purposes. irlabs works with clients on video content creation, and we have seen first-hand how it garners engagement and conversions.

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How to effectively network in Investor Relations

Networking is a crucial aspect of a thriving business. Particularly true in investor relations (IR), knowing how to cultivate these relationships is the key to maximizing your success. Nurturing connections within the industry portrays a professionalism that radiates throughout your inner circles.

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The importance of networking in Investor Relations

Investor relations (IR) is a strategic form of managing communications and relationships, helping showcase business value and garner investor interest. Although IR thrives in digital spaces, the power of in person connections is still wildly transparent in this industry.

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